This dress was made specifically for Belleza(Freya, Isis, Venus), Maitreya(Lara), Legacy(Classic, The Mesh Body, TMP) and SLink(Original, HOurglass). Dress, shoes, necklace, face studs for nose and brows, diamond teardrops and bracelets.
[D&S] Willow

This dress comes at the price 149 Lindens but as one of our loyal costumers you could get this outfit with our loyal costumers discount. To become one of our loyal costumers all you have to do is to join the group (It's free to join!) and head over to our store in world.
Where can I find it in my inventory?
When you buy this outfit you will find it in your received folder or in your object folder. There will be an unpacker and it is very simple to use. Right click and add and you are ready to have it delivered.
Click unpack and you will receive a folder in your inventory named "[D&S] Willow...". The folder you will see the dress for the mesh body you bought it for, a texture hud, a style card, a notecard and a landmark to the in world store.
Hud Instructions
To use the hud it is very simple. Add the hud. You will see 12 textures, simply click the colour you want the dress to be and you are done.
Where to get this outfit.