[D&S] Arheste Lingerie
OMG it is soon Valentine's day. I want something new and different, It started with me unpacking a group gift from Exile and what did you know that is a wicked hair. In a flash it had me thinking of the character Harlequin.
With the idea spinning around in my head it went from hair to avatar and what do you know there is the outfit that will be perfect. As it is Valentine's Day lets go with the colour red, but damn I want black too. OK ok let us just make two version. One red and black, the other black and red. This is a complete outfit where bra, corset, panties, stockings and shoes are connected. The cute headband is unrigged and gives that tiny touch of sweet that was needed. There is also a simple heart collar that is unrigged so it can fit most avatars but also for you that uses RLV to be able to add it to the collar.
The connected parts in the outfit can be found as separate items and in fat packs on marketplace but also in the store
Mesh Body Compatibility:
- Belleza Genx Classic
- Belleza Genx Curvy
- Erika
- Inithium Kupra
- Legacy Bombshell Orginal and Perky
- Maitreya Lara and Petite
- MaitreyaX Lara and Petite
- Reborn Orginal and Waifus
Stylin’Let me tell you all about what I used in this pictures, body, head, hair, light, pose and so much more. Everything you might want to know and some more.
Mesh Body – Erika - Zero X(Free Group Gift/Join Fee L$99)
Body Shape – LeLUTKA - Default lel EvoX NOEL
Mesh Head – LeLUTKA - Noel Head 4.0(L$3990)
Hair – Exile - Britney Split colors group gift(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)