Accessories,[D&S] Cupid Earrings
Are you serious? You are really crazy enough to think Valentine is over? We will keep celebrating it with this pair of heart shaped earrings that has a huge texture hud for you to play with.
Mesh Body Compatibility:
- Fits most avatars as it has a resize script
Mesh Head – LeLUTKA - Noel Head 4.0(L$3990)
Body Skin – Nuve - Suri (Lelutka Evolution) Porcelain (Free Group Gift/Join Fee L$350) Head Skin – Guapa - Noela Skin (LELUTKA EVOX) Porcelain (Free Group Gift/Free to Join) Ear Skin – Guapa - Ears (LELUTKA EVOX) Porcelain (Free Group Gift/Free to Join) Eyes – AG - Carol Eyes - BoM - 05 - B (Free Group Gift/Join Fee L$25) Hair – Sintiklia - Hair Irma (Free Group Gift/Join Fee L$99)