Hello there, our lovely shopoholics. I hope you had a wonderful weekend as I did, The secret weekend sale is over and with it comes a new release. I am so ready for spring and summer and I guess this skirt shows it. As I wander the grid and search for inspiration and a good place to sit and listen to some good music. I wanted to make something to break away from all this winter things and do not forget all the lovey dovey things from Valentine's Day.
[D&S] Mini skirt
Mesh Body Compatibility:
- Altamura
- Belleza Freya Isis Venus
- Belleza Genx Classic Curvy
- Ebody Curvy
- Inithium Kupra
- Legacy Orginal Perky Classic
- Maitreya Lara LaraX
- Reborn
- Signature Alice
- SLink Physique Hourglass
Mesh Body – Reborn - Reborn(L$2400)
Body Shape – Guapa - Camia Shape for LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0 - Ebody Reborn(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)Mesh Head – LeLUTKA - LeLUTKA Camila Head(L$3990)Eyebrow Shape: – Guapa - Camia Shape (Brow Base)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Body Skin – VELOUR - Mali Velour (Any Velour skins in the colour Mali)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)Ear Skin – PURPLE - VE Ears (Lelutka X BOM) (Mali Tone)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)Hair – NO.MATCH - NO_FUSION (black +)(Free Group Gift/Free to
PicturePoseS – BOHEME. - The Art of Minimalism 1 (Was a gift but no longer available)Background – The Bearded Guy - Secco Paradise Sand Backdrop(Free gift in 2023)
Mesh Body – Reborn - Reborn(L$2400)
Body Shape – Guapa - Camia Shape for LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0 - Ebody Reborn(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Body Shape – Guapa - Camia Shape for LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0 - Ebody Reborn(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Mesh Head – LeLUTKA - LeLUTKA Camila Head(L$3990)
Eyebrow Shape: – Guapa - Camia Shape (Brow Base)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Body Skin – VELOUR - Mali Velour (Any Velour skins in the colour Mali)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Body Skin – VELOUR - Mali Velour (Any Velour skins in the colour Mali)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Ear Skin – PURPLE - VE Ears (Lelutka X BOM) (Mali Tone)(Free Group Gift/Free to Join)
Hair – NO.MATCH - NO_FUSION (black +)(Free Group Gift/Free to
PoseS – BOHEME. - The Art of Minimalism 1 (Was a gift but no longer available)
Background – The Bearded Guy - Secco Paradise Sand Backdrop(Free gift in 2023)