Meet Devilishly


Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. 
I’m DevilishlyFoxysFashion, but that is a mouth full so people call me after my real life nickname Foxy. I’m originally from Sweden but moved to The Netherlands. 
In all games I have been in I have always been a designer, so it comes to no surprise that in Second Life I picked up designing too. I enjoy to create things and to share it with others. I started up my own store and brand DFF in 2014. After a time of from Second Life it was time to pick up designing again and what a better way then rebranding. In collaboration with Snowey, a good friend and protégé of mine, we came up with a simple solution to naming, combine our names and we became D&S.

As time goes on we are now ready to stand on our feet and share this experience with you. We looked into what would benefit our costumers the most. Of course we needed mesh bodies as many of you uses them, but also how can our costumers get a hold of us and be the first to know about our new releases. The answer was simple, Flickr, blogger, Facebook but we added another Surprise, Guilded. We are sure that guilded as our server would benefit our costumers more then discord. 
After all contact possibly enable we wanted to be able to give you a sneak peek of how things look but also how it works so we added YouTube to the mix.

Thanks again for reading our blog, and I hope we will maintain our relationship in the future and provide you with all the fashion!
